Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Kazane Chapter 52: Let’s go to the Dungeon

Disclamer: I'm not owe the images nor the novel chapters.
Everything belongs to their respect owner.
I'm just simple translating it.
Author: Miyavi

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Kazane Chapter 52: Let’s go to the Dungeon
Toruda hot spring town – Louise hotel S-Class Room

… Morning?
I noticed my head was buried in the Tiara’s breasts, it was really nice.
It’s fine weather today ~da na.
I looks outside the window and sees the blue sky spreading. And after a while…
Yeah, it’s okay, I shouldn’t keep worry about Ryō-kun
Yes, I conclude my feelings.
Okay, I should go to the hot spring, after all…
Tatsu Ryō-kun prepared it for people of our world, especially Kazane after all. And Kazane leaves the room.
um, good morning.
When I about to get in, there was someone who was coming out of the bath.
Good morning, Zinray-san.
As Kazane greets back, Zinray keeps some distance from her.
Well, are you also coming for a morning bath?
Well, after “night activity”, of course you need a morning bath.
As Kazane saying so, she letting Zinray continue to drip cold sweats and heading to the large public bath.
(His effort to erase the smell was wasting, though I barely catch the smell now though)
Nonetheless, the circumstances of adults have nothing to do with the Kazane. So Kazane thought she should show some consideration.
Toruda hot spring town – big public bath

Oh,… Kazane.
Although the morning was still early and the people were sparse, Louise was already here before Kazane.
Good morning Louise-san.
Kazane greets back and enters the hot spring.
Hmm, you came back with a terrible face yesterday. But I think you are okay today.
It looks like I felt refreshed when I went to sleep ~ da yo
You sleeps with “these things” as pillow. Of course, you will feel nice, right ?
Yeah, that’s right.
She is talking about Tiara’s breasts. Louise was watching when I went to sleep, last night.
I didn’t deny it because I’d like to hug somebody to sleep.
Acttually from my evaluation, Tiara’s breasts evaluation are high, maybe that’s why I’m feeling better after sleeping.
You are lucky to be able to sleep like that. Men are willing to pay a lot of money to get that treatment.
When Kazane hears that, she also thought that true for men, but …
The friendship between girls is priceless.
Well, Remember that it sometimes becomes a deficit
Well, it’s a good conversation.
By the way, it seems you have a good nose, right Kazane?
I knew it that you sleep with man last night, before coming here.
Louise laugh at the answer of the Kazane.
Zinray-kun is already out!
(T.N: cat out of the bag)
Kazane is wry laughing back to Louise.
Well, even at first he also resisted! But… after a close look, “you will understand if you look at it”. He asks for my body.
Yesterday, Zinray answers to Louise’s question about Orge suppression.
Louise was not convinced by that, eventually she stepped in Zinray’s room at midnight and made Jin Rai tells more about that. While doing “it”.
Oh, I see.
Kazane’s face becomes a bit red. There is no word to return and that story stops.
Tee hee hee, it’s bad for Zinray-kun’s wife, so keep this silent.
Rogue. (T.N: ラジャー: Rajā)
Louise who saw the limit of the Kazane doesn’t pursue more than it.
(Maybe she just wanted to say that)
She asked if my nose is good to confirming whether I know their relationship last night.
Louise-san is scary.
It is a woman who gets this position with the grace of power.
She is a strong woman in various ways. And Kazane decided to change the topic.
By the way, Louise-san will enter our party from today, right? What about the hotel?
Oh, that hotel has an owner, I only manage it.
Uhm, but you take care of the guests all day yesterday, aren’t you?
Well, I am supposed to be in charge of when Mefirs comes.
Oh, so that’s a mistress’ job.
Besides, I am an quite an adventurer. Quartz barrier Louise is famous, you know.
Unfortunately, Kazane has never heard about it from other adventurers so she didn’t know.
Well, I’m not as famous as Kazane that being called as Orge Killing Princess though.
You heard about that, too?
By the way, there is no name which was especially attached to Yumika.
If anything, Yumika is known as Orge Killing Princess’s buddy.
That remind me, I was wondering what you were shocked yesterday.
Louise’s words become a straight ball being thrown at Kazane.
You are a player, aren’t you?
In those words, Kazane is looking at Louise with a scary face.
How do you know?
When Kazane wondering if Louise is someone from “Zexiahart Biography of Illusions” game, too … and Louise reply.
Oh no, don’t look at me like that. Zinray hasn’t noticed you, but you should know the word about players.
Do you think so?
It’s quite famous, it’s a story that there are abnormally strong people are called players. Well, there are few people who even speak about their circumstances and I actually met with one player before, though.
Have you heard of the name?
Ayumi Nishimura, I think that was her name.
I never heard of her and I tilts my head sideways.
(If she is a famous player, I should know her name or her player character’s name)
I’ve almost forgotten it, since 80 years ago. She told me that she is looking for a way to go back to her world and she got stunned like you after she met the stone monument in this city.
I see.
Certainly that person might also be shocked. 600 years, or rather 520 years ago if we minus 80 years. Because she also knew that there was another person who was blown to this world in the same way before her and died without being able to return.
That person did not return, right?
After 520 years, I wonder if there were a lot of change in this world.
Well, I have never met her again ever since.
I see.
Oh well, you don’t need to worry that much. I know that you miss your world, but our world isn’t bad, is it?
Well, I know that, but…
And just like that Kazane soaks deep into hot water. There is no point in thinking about it.
After a while, she leaving the bath and preparing, the party headed for the dungeon when it’s still daytime.
C Class Dungeon – Front Old Rock Cave Caravan

Hippo-kun is nice, he is fast and my butt isn’t hurt.
Louise was also surprised when Kazane made Hippo-kun after the party were outside the hot spring town. BtoRfwOCMAEYbYw
But as she rode it, she praised it as much as other people.
We can easily pass through the trees of the forest with it
But this time it was a big round.
Zinray is also talking to Kazane.
Because I made it a little bigger for three-seater riding.
Even three people can ride on an ordinary Hippo-kun as well, but Kazane felt that she wanted some margin after the Orge war.
Although Kazane arranges 2 Hippo-kun, one for Kazane, Tiara, Yumika and one for Zinray Louise.
But the Hippo-kun for Zinray and Louise is also large one for three people ride because it cost less magical power if she created it together.
You are amazing Kazane, I want to have one at home ~ wa ne
I will not allow it ~ wa
Tiara hugs Kazane to defend against Louise’s gaze.
Stingy ~ne
Louise shrugs her shoulders.
Well then, shall we get a lodging for now?
Sōda ne, but what is this place?
Kazane looks around. Temporary buildings and caravan were chaotic.
But there is something close to the market of Conrad and Winland.
Well then, shall we get a lodging for now.
Zinray answers the question of Kazane.
The adventurers will gather where there’s dungeon. Merchants also gather to do business with adventurer. In the end it becomes like this. And when the adventurer will both increase this place will also grow. Eventually it will become a proper city shape, I also hear Winland is also grow the sameway.
It was the first time Kazane and Yumika heard about Winland’s original.
But won’t it end when adventurers capture the dungeon ~ da yo ne?
Zinray continues his words as to answer Kazane.
Well, but it will be difficult to end it, I think you already know. The 『Dungeon Core』is in the deepest part. Not only you must reach that place, but also destroy it to end a Dungeon. (T.N: 『心臓球』Shinzō-kyū = Heart ball but I thought Dungeon Core will sound better)
Childstone? (T.N: チャイルドストーン: Chairudo sutōn)
Basically, it was like a core, Kazane. We must get all the way to the『Dungeon Core』and destroy it or take it away. Inside of the dungeon is vast and it’s really hard even just look for it
Kazane is quite surprised as the meaning of Louise’s words is imperceptible.
It was a part she couldn’t understand even she already examined dungeons before.
You will understand once you enter, and it won’t be easy searching for it and they also don’t allow you to take the core
Certainly, because we need the dungeon to be activated to suppress the surrounding demons, isn’t it?
Yes, something like that.
Dungeon changes the flow of surrounding magical power to make that magic its own energy, so the occurrence of surrounding demons also decreases.
It is better to focus on the dungeon rather than the surrounding to maintain the security in the country.
Depend on the country, some A-class Dungeon was left un-touch because it was too powerful. And when it comes to S-class Dungeon it will difficult to even get in or out, sometime the land itself will be sealed.
It’s said that the name of the world’s largest dungeon is『corrosion area』 in the northern part of the Oldonagar (オルドナガル: Orudonagaru) continent.
Thousands of years had passed and it’s impossible to capture or even enter that Dungeon.

Name: Yuihama Kazane
Occupation: Magic Swordswoman
  • Ogre Killer Princess
  • Cane Cane 『White Blaze』
  • 2h sword.png Two Handed Sword 『Black Fang』
  • Breast Plate Silver Breastplate
  • Gauntlet Silver gauntlets
  • Clothes.png Silver sheep Clothing
  • Trouser.png Carapace Bull trousers
  • Gleaves.png Berserk Ogre Greaves
  • Cloak.png Indestructible Cloak (and Futons)
  • Pound.png Mystery Pouch
  • Medal.png Crimson Saint Casket
  • Ring Legendary Spirit Summoning Ring
Level: 20
  • Vital Vitality: 70
  • MMP.png Magic Power : 114+300
  • STR Strength : 27
  • AGI.png Agility : 22
  • END.png Endurance : 16
  • Wisdom Wisdom : 27
  • STR Dexterity : 19
Spell :
  • Flying『Fly』
  • Toucher『Torch』
  • Fire『Fire』
  • Healing 『Heal』
Skill :
  • 『Goblin Language』
  • 『Night Vision』
  • 『Crushing Blow』
  • 『Dog’s Sense of Smell』
  • 『Golem Maker』
  • 『Rush』
  • 『Fire Principle: Second Chapter』
  • 『Healing Principle: Second chapter』
  • 『Air Jump』
  • 『Killing Leg』
  • 『Fear Voice』
  • 『Invisible』
  • 『Tiger Eye』
Name: Tachiki Yumika

So, in the end, there’s no plans to come in thecorrosion areaDungeon that we just talking about.
Well, what kind of dungeon is it?

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